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Obama is made of sunshine and sprinkles

Friday, May 16, 2008

Obama has somehow become known as the man who is capable of giving us everything we ever wanted. Well last time I checked he hasn't really done much of anything in his political career. So in the spirit of telling the American people everything they want to hear, check out this website that makes fun of this by making up some outrageous claims (refresh the page to see them all). Feel free to add to the list, I put a few of my thoughts below

When Obama wins, Horses will poo M&M's

Barack Obama told me he will build me that sandbox my dad promised me when I was 4

When Obama wins, it will rain Jameson Irish whiskey on Fridays....mmmm

Barack Obama will make nuclear weapons taste like marshmallow peeps

When Obama wins, my other car will be a dragon

Barack Obama told me the Cubs will win the World Series this year, leave it up to him to end the 100 year drought.

Don't fear his presidency as a coming socialist regime, but see him as a man who can truly make our dreams come true.


  1. theworldisalive said...

    hi chris! i don't really have a comment on this, although you would find a way to incorporate the words "poo" and "wee wee" into your blog.

    just letting you know i didn't forget about your blog. however maybe you should update more.

    2:30 PM  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Good words.

    4:59 AM  

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