Again i find myself writing about Barack Obama. This time he has done something that I find offensive as an American. He has changed part of the presidential seal, the phrase E Pluribus Unum
which means out of many, one. This was a tribute to our mixing of cultures, our melting pot we call America. Instead he changed the phase to "Vero Possumus", which translates to truly we are able. If that isn't enough of a stab to our nations heritage he also changed the shield over the eagles breast, which represents the presidents oath to the Constitution, to an O for Obama. Is it just me or does this guy think he has the presidency wrapped up already. He thinks he can do anything on the campaign trail including playing "White House", his own game of make believe, on the campaign trail. Don't get me wrong John McCain sucks, but I would rather have almost anyone in office than this radical liberal nutsack-douchebag, called Obama, in office.
Douchebag? No...Nutsack? No...
How about Douchenut!
I think you might really like the video below, especially 1:10 in.
12:28 PM
You need to keep up this blog, dude. One of the finer on-line.
9:53 PM