Every day I am more disgusted at this years presidential race and politics in general. Almost daily there is some new story of questionable behavior. Is it too much to ask for a politician who can hold office without doing any of the following; sleeping with prostitutes, lying about sniper fire, attending a hate filled racist church, having an affair, lying under oath, using cocaine, smoking weed, or leaving a woman to die in your car in a river (see photo).
I'm just saying, is every politician a piece of Sh*t. To hide their abhorrent backgrounds they wrap themselves in the flag. I don't know how they can hold office and help pass laws to imprison people for doing what, in some cases, they have already done. I long for a day when we can be led by upstanding, moral, strong, honorable men and women. So in absence of a good candidate I plan on taking my dog for a walk and when she drops a nice big steaming pile, I think I will vote for that
your dog is pretty small, you really think that her poo would do a better job than hilary/obama/mccain??
i'm voting mccain these days it seems like.
i agree with you though! and miss you also!
if you work thursday night, i'm at this moment in time having happy hour with cristine so hopefully i'll see you then! oh p.s. i have a hospital job interview next monday, i'm so so so excited!
12:57 PM
My dogs biscuits are pretty amazing little piles.
8:56 AM
Yes, the smell may lead the others to actually get something done.
10:35 AM