Every day I am more disgusted at this years presidential race and politics in general. Almost daily there is some new story of questionable behavior. Is it too much to ask for a politician who can hold office without doing any of the following; sleeping with prostitutes, lying about sniper fire, attending a hate filled racist church, having an affair, lying under oath, using cocaine, smoking weed, or leaving a woman to die in your car in a river (see photo).
I'm just saying, is every politician a piece of Sh*t. To hide their abhorrent backgrounds they wrap themselves in the flag. I don't know how they can hold office and help pass laws to imprison people for doing what, in some cases, they have already done. I long for a day when we can be led by upstanding, moral, strong, honorable men and women. So in absence of a good candidate I plan on taking my dog for a walk and when she drops a nice big steaming pile, I think I will vote for that