This is a poster used by Texas democrats running for office in 2006. The picture shows a joined Mexico-Texas. They used this in an attempt to gain the large hispanic vote in southern Texas. This scares the sh*t out of me, and no it is not because I'm racist or a hatemonger, it is because I value my American way of life. Democrats are not the only ones watching our borders disintegrate, republicans are right there with them. Enforcement of immigration laws, already on the books, is virtually nonexistant. Anyone with half a brain can see the bipartisan agenda to create a joined Mex-Ameri-Canada. I feel helpless as I watch "our representatives" not representing our interests as they try to shove immigration reform bills and this North American Union down our throats. How about you enforce the laws we already have, punish the businesses that hire illegals, and end welfare. If we can't convince the government to enforce the laws we already have then how are they going to enforce new ones. Also, if I hear one more time that they do jobs that Americans don't want to do I am going to shoot myself. The only reason Americans won't do those jobs is beacause they have no incentive to when the government will hand them a check, and hold their hands as they light their crack pipes. Ask anyone from the Depression era if there was a job they wouldn't do.

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