Alright I am sure this will be the 213,078th time someone will write about this, but I have something to say. Imus used a term that blacks use all the time, and he did so in what he thought was a comedic statement. This isn't the first time someone has used a racial slur for comedic purposes, comedy routines have them all the time. Was this any different, maybe, maybe not. As far as him being fired over this I think that is ridiculous, let the audience decide not Al "not so" Sharpton. If everyone is truly as outraged as they say then they won't listen anymore. Somehow I don't think that would happen.
These negative terms are used all the time in everyday conversation in schools, and in the black community. This is where the problem lies, not whether or not Don Imus is a racist. He is just a old white guy who isn't funny. What we should be looking at is where is the cutoff point, a white guy can only say certain words, for comedy or not. Do I need a separate dictionary? But if you are one-quarter black does that give you the right to say nappy, or ho's, or do you have to be at least 50% black or 100%black, where is the line. I mean it is getting ridiculous what we can and can't say and who is allowed to say it. It seems that everytime a racial comment makes the news it is from a white man. I guess there isn't a single racist man of any other ethnicity in the country. Seriously I think we should say what we feel, I would rather no who the racists and sexists are then have them hide their true feelings with political correctness.
Ahhh "political correctness" such a noble idea, lets all be nice and only say nice things, lets get rid of the bad words. The day
handicapped became handicapable is when I knew political correctness took a turn toward hell. I mean it doesn't take a genius to see that eventually
handicapable will be just as politically incorrect and derogatory as handicapped, they are just replacing words.